LightJATS Specification article front journal-title year article-title abstract ~~contrib[@contrib-type="author"]~~ → rename to author prefix given-names surname suffix body ~~def-list~~ → merge with list disp-formula mml:math label disp-formula-group label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ → merge with caption list ~~label~~ → merge with title title list-item p sec ~~label~~ → merge with title title statement ~~label~~ → merge with title title sub sup xref back ref-list ~~label~~ → merge with title title ref ~~element-citation~~ → rename to citation ~~mixed-citation~~ → rename to citation citation article-title name collab day month year fpage lpage issue pub-id publisher-loc publisher-name source edition volume floats-group boxed-text label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ → merge with caption fig label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ → merge with caption fig-group label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ → merge with caption fig table thead tr th td tbody tr th td tfoot tr th td tr th td table-wrap label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ -> merge with caption table table-wrap-group label caption ~~title~~ → merge with caption ~~p~~ -> merge with caption