HTMLAnno is a web-based linguistic annotation tool for xhtml/txt documents.
It offers functions for annotating the documents with labels and relations.
For natural language processing and machine learning, it is suitable for development of gold-standard data with named entity spans, dependency relations, and coreference chains.

Online Demo (v0.1.0)

Online Demo (experimental)

Annotation Tools

Icon Description
Span highlighting.
One-way relation. This is used for annotating dependency relation between spans.
Two-way relation.
Link relation. If you want to add non-directional relation between spans, use this.

Developer's Guide

Install and Build

First, install Node.js and npm. The version of Node.js must be 6+.
Then, run the following commands:

                npm install
                npm run publish:latest

and you can access HTMLAnno via docs/latest/index.html.

For developing,

                npm run watch

This command starts Webpack Dev Server and you can access http://localhost:8080/dist/index.html in your browser.